Biological Age vs Chronological Age

Have you ever wondered why some people look younger than their age? Or why others seem to age much faster and look older than their age? This difference is due to the process of biological aging. Your chronological age is simply your actual age in years, while your biological age is determined by your physical health, lifestyle choices, and by your genetics. To further understand this concept, let’s take a closer look at biological aging and the Dunedin study.

Biological Aging & DNA Methylation

Chronological age is fixed, your age is measured by the time you’ve been on this planet. Biological aging is related to the health of our bodies as time passes. When our bodies undergo physical stress, experience environmental toxins or mental or physical abuse, the amount of methyl groups attached to our DNA increases. These methyl groups can alter DNA transcription, which can decrease the formation of proteins that are required to keep our bodies in good health. Genetic testing for DNA methylation can be done through blood tests or saliva samples to determine an individual’s biological age and their pace of aging.

Dunedin Study & Pace of Aging

The Dunedin study is a longitudinal research project that has been studying the health and development of 1,000 individuals since 1972, to better understand aging patterns and predict life expectancy. The study found that many factors, including lifestyle choices such as smoking or alcohol consumption, have an impact on the pace of aging – with those making healthier choices living longer than those who do not. The study also found that individuals with higher levels of education also generally live longer lives than those with less formal education.

Lowering Biological Age & Stimulating Neuropeptides

There are several techniques available for lowering one’s biological age and stimulating the release of feel-good neuropeptides (dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins). Exercise has been shown to reduce inflammation and improve cardiovascular health; it also releases endorphins that boost your mood and energy level. Eating healthy foods rich in antioxidants can also help slow down cellular damage caused by oxidative stressors; foods high in Vitamin E are particularly beneficial for reducing inflammation associated with aging. Finally, engaging in meaningful activities like volunteering or learning new skills can help stimulate the release of serotonin – another feel-good hormone associated with happiness and well-being – while increasing cognitive function at the same time!

In conclusion, it is important to understand the concept of biological age versus chronological age so we can better appreciate how lifestyle choices affect overall health outcomes over time. Genetic testing for DNA methylation may be able to provide insight into one’s rate of aging while understanding studies such as Dunedin will allow us to make informed decisions about our own lifestyles that could potentially extend our lifespan. Furthermore, there are various techniques available today for lowering one’s biological age such as exercising regularly, eating healthy foods high in antioxidants like Vitamin E, and engaging in meaningful activities like volunteering or learning new skills – all which have been proven effective in stimulating feel-good hormones like serotonin! All these measures will contribute towards improving overall quality of life now and into the future!